Insured & Compliant
When selecting a partner to fulfill your Michigan cannabis transportation needs, the first thing you should check is ensuring that they are fully insured and compliant with the strict regulations set forth by the Marijuana Regulatory Agency. Compliance with these regulations will ensure that your business is operating within the law, you avoid costly penalties, and your employees are protected from any potential liability issues. Having insurance coverage is essential to providing peace of mind if an incident occurs.
What is required to be compliant with Michigan Marijuana laws?
Companies transporting marijuana from grow facilities to dispensaries must abide by the laws and regulations set forth by the Marijuana Regulatory Agency. This includes:
maintaining accurate records of each transaction
ensuring that all marijuana transported is properly labeled
keeping clear records of when and where it was transported
Furthermore, any employee or contractor that is involved in handling or transporting marijuana products must be registered with the agency to ensure compliance. To ensure safety and legality, the best cannabis transportation companies implement tracking systems for their product shipments as well as establishing security protocols to prevent theft or diversion of product.
What are the specific laws and regulations for transporting marijuana in Michigan?
All employees or contractors involved in handling or transporting marijuana products must be registered with the Marijuana Regulatory Agency.
Each transaction must be documented and records kept of when and where it was transported.
Products must be properly labeled before transport.
Cannabis products should remain inside closed, locked containers during transport.
A secure tracking system should be in place to monitor shipment movements.
Security protocols should be implemented to prevent theft or diversion of products.
The team at JK Logix views every customer relationship as a true partnership; we can only succeed together. For this reason, we are committed to the highest standard of compliance to ensure you can rest easy that your products, business, and employees are safe and secure.

Let us handle your assets.
Contact us today! Call us at 517-574-5930 or send us an email at orders@jklogix.com
We are your secure, reliable, experienced cash transport and cash processing company.